As an Energy Medicine Practitioner and Spiritual Life Coach, it is my greatest joy to assist others in remembering and returning to their true divine essence—total well being and joy. After studying with many incredible teachers for 6 years in different locations, including France , California ,and Florida ,I have opened a private practice. I provide sessions which incorporate energetic reprogramming and consciousness expansion through guided meditations and healing, accessing specific universal energies from Source.

We all have experienced severe anxiety sometimes in our lives and sometimes have anxiety from the collective that creeps up onus.  In my practice, I lead clients to address the bigger fears, those that have to do with moving forward as we learn to speak our truth and awaken to who we really are. These are the deeper fears that sometimes translate into phobias.  Many may have a fear of being here in human form and succeeding at it (being awake and participating in life). If one holds anxiety for a long period of time and does not deal with it, then it can develop into panic attacks that seem to take over the body, leading to thoughts that the body cannot be controlled. Being taught to pay attention to what’s going on underneath can help with this problem.

We are never ever disconnected from our Source.  I can see this connection.  Even though we sometimes feel sad or far away, there is a body of light that connects us to Source energy.  I would love for everyone to have this experience and feel and know it for themselves. When one experiences the energy, it is much stronger than mere belief. These experiences happen naturally, but we must be taught to become aware of the energy that connects us to Creator Source and to the energy all around us. Hopefully with time, all can learn to discern. In time, I started to discern clearly. That is what I am hoping to teach and share with people.

We were not created to endure disease, suffering, and limitation of expression.  Each cell in the body has a programmed intelligence that understands equilibrium and balance. We can direct this creation. Learning to read the body’s systems—how to receive guidance from the emotions—is part of the assistance I offer and the work I teach.